San Jose Meditation – Now My Depression And Panic Disorder Medication Has Been Reduced

Cho Hye Soon

Family Relationships

The two kids who once did not like to go to school love to go to school in the morning. In order to wake up my two children, I once had to spend one hour going from one room to the other feeding them and dressing them. Now, the two kids are busy getting up right away, eating quietly, and getting dressed and then going to school. So the morning, which was once always full of yelling and shouting, is now calm, relaxed and leisurely.

Now that we have plenty of time in the morning, I can leave the house each morning after doing the dishes, cleaning, and finishing laundry every day. The older child is in Level 4 of the meditation, and the second child does not meditate. However, the second child who has ADHD and who used to beat the kids if he got bored at school, who used to interrupt classes, beat his teachers, and come home if he got angry at school is now adjusting to school life better than the average child. He is also getting along well with his classmates and friends at school. The older child who is currently doing level 4 of the meditation, asked us to reduce his tutoring lessons, so we did. However, our child’s scores increased to 100. He also once had such a difficult time with his friends and peers at school that he kept begging to move to a new school. Now, he attends school with such enjoyment. He now starts studying of his own accord. Before meditation, he would always be fighting with his younger sibling, but now they never fight.


I had been eating five pills every day for my depression and airport disabilities, but now I do not eat them. I was unable to sleep, and I was always anxious so I took medication. Now, when I lie down I fall asleep and do not dream. I always feel stable. I used to be very sensitive, so even during my sleep, I would hear noises and wake up. But now there are hardly any cases where I wake up. I used to suffer from stomachaches, polyp, paralysis and inflammation. I also wasn’t able to eat well because of all of these symptoms. But now I hardly ever have any stomach problems. I used to wake up in the middle of the night because my stomach was twisted and knotted, but this also disappeared. I always used to eat a fist full of pills, but now I’m almost off the pills.