San Jose Meditation – Insomnia Disappeared In 1-2 Weeks

Hyun-wook Won

It seems to have been two years and nine months since I already met this meditation. In the world, about three years’ time is a very long time. However, when I started meditation, my brain seemed to be in a state of over load after 24 hours of hard work. I was really mentally overwhelmed always in a state of constant stress and insomnia. Then an acquaintance recommended I try, and the person I was living with also advised I try. So I went to the meditation center and listened to the explanation at 11:00 pm. I was impressed by what I heard and decided to start the next day. And as I started to try to discard myself, my head hurt more, and my heart and chest felt stifled. After spending the next week or two like that, to my surprise, my insomnia disappeared and I personally experienced the amazing effects of this meditation.

As I was able to sleep deeply, my physical health improved. But as I continued to meditate, I started to judge the meditation helpers and everyone at the local meditation center. While I stayed at the local training center for 12 hours, from 9:30am to 9:30pm, I was stuck in my own continuous judgment of others. But now, when I look back on that, I see I was wondering around lost in a dream.

After 2 years, I completed level 3. Then beginning from level 4, I went to the Main Center and seems like it was the beginning of the time to throw away my attachment to “I”. It seems that it really was the start of ending my judgment of the world. It was my beginning of trying to completely throw away the false.  I know that everything is done according to the principle of Nature’s Flow and I know that everything is solved by itself if the “me” is abandoned and when “I” don’t exist. I want to thank all things and devotedly continue the rest of this study.