San Jose Meditation – I’m Grateful. I’m Truly Grateful, Everyday

XuAnn / Business Owner / Alrington, Virginia

I first began this meditation on September 18, 2011 at this meditation center. I’ll never forget it because it was a very difficult time in my life. I was going through a lot of things. I was going through a separation with my husband, my oldest daughter left for college, and I was not talking to my family. My whole life was changing. I was lost, confused and depressed. Before this meditation, I didn’t talk to my family.I had a lot of resentment toward them because I felt that my parents didn’t love me and only loved my brothers and sister. I never really appreciated my parents for the positive things they did for me, I only remembered the negative experiences over the many years. In early September 2011, I discovered a little green booklet at my work. Later that evening, I read the pamphlet cover to cover and I was immediately intrigued, knowing I had to call the this meditation center right away. I called to schedule an appointment and to my surprise, I had a strong emotional feeling that rose up in me. I cried. I managed to make an appointment to come to the center the next day. After hearing the introductory lecture, I decided to sign up.

After the first week of this meditation, I slowly began feeling calmer and less angry. Then I rapidly had the realization that my resentment toward my parents was my fault. Three weeks later, my whole outlook on life changed. I even noticed my health improving; before, I would always have a runny nose or be sneezing due to my allergies. It is now much milder. This meditation has allowed me to reconnect with my parents and I even arranged a trip to visit them in Vietnam for two weeks. At first, when I saw my family again, they were unsure of my motives and just how genuine I was. The visit was so wonderful, I decided to stay a third week. We apologized to each other, we laughed, we cried. I was able to truly apologize to my parents for all the pain I caused them. Before I could never say I was sorry or that I was wrong. Now, I am able to have a loving relationship with my family. I am able to tell them I am sorry and that I love them. I don’t feel sorry for myself like I did before when things didn’t go the way I wanted it to. I have more love and understanding for people. I couldn’t have done this without this meditation. This meditation has helped me realize that the universe is the truth. I am with the universe, so I don’t feel alone anymore. All the things I was thinking, I realized was not real. I was able to let go and be more aware. I am able to recognize that it’s not me, that it’s not real. This was truly amazing for me. This meditation for me, is life-changing. After this meditation, I feel happier, lighter, brighter, and more confident. I’m grateful. I’m truly grateful, everyday. My whole outlook and perspective on life has improved drastically. I find that I enjoy my job more, my children more, even myself more. I have a deeper love, appreciation, and compassion for all the people I encounter. I am forever and truly grateful to the founder, Woo Myung, for sharing this with me and the world. His compassion and love is endless. And to all of those within the organization who have supported me along the way, thank you. I feel so fortunate to be part of such an amazing organization and know in my heart that this meditation has the power and ability to heal those who choose to open their hearts. From my amazing experience, I encourage everyone to give this meditation a try to find true happiness.