San Jose Meditation – I Love This Sense of Freedom From Unnecessary Burdens

Lisa / Law Office / Sunnyvale, California

” I Love This Sense of Freedom From Unnecessary Burdens “

Before I started this meditation, I was filled with so many fears, doubts, worries, anxiety, cynicism and insecurities. My mind was constantly busy, and that was so exhausting! One of the first things I noticed very shortly after I started this meditation was a sense of inner peace I hadn’t felt in a LONG time – if ever! I felt lighter and more positive.

Gradually, as I looked over my life story, I realized how much I have tried to escape responsibility for my life – how I lived with a sense of entitlement. It has been very humbling to see all the dishonorable things I have done, and I am even more grateful for the family and friends who have forgiven me and stayed by my side despite all of it.

I now move throughout the world with more respect and gratitude. Things that used to really bother me don’t bother me as much. I love this sense of freedom from unnecessary burdens. And yes, I am very grateful to the method!